We want your graphic files to print correctly the first time and look like you meant them to. Below are the minimum file supply essentials you need to follow.
Fabric Artwork Guidelines
Artwork should be supplied at the scale of the template supplied by UK Printing Company and should adhere to the following guidelines:
Ink levels up to 300%
Images 300dpi
All fonts converted to outlines
Minimum 10% tints
Do not try to colour match vector colours to rasterised colours. The rip treats these differently and there will be a visible difference in the final print. Place Vectors into Photoshop instead to create one bitmap image.
No layered .psd files, transparency effects or vector gradients
Save as a high-resolution JPEG from your software package – remove all template guides before saving your file. If they are on your final JPEG they will print!
Respect the quiet zones. Fabric stretches and shrinks (different amounts in different directions) during the production process so there is less accuracy compared to printing on paper. The templates may appear unusually large or proportioned. This is to allow for the stretch/shrinkage of the material. For best results, keep all important elements well within the quiet zone areas and do not try to match up designs from the front to the reverse.
It’s not a leaflet. Big, bold designs are the most effective.
Text should be as large as possible to ensure it is readable from a distance. For ‘small print’ you should not go below 24pt for dark text on a light background, and 48pt for reversed out text.
Single sided flags have 80-90% show through on the reverse.
All JPEG Page Boxes should be set to the correct page size (Finished Size + Bleed